Job Title
Research Assistant
Academic Rank
Staff/Research Assistant
Greta Sirek, BA, Sciaska Ulysse, BA, Marie Jacques Toussaint, MD, Chisa Nosamiefan, MA, Ludwige Desrosiers, MS, MPA, CRC, LRC, Mia Chandler, MD, MPH, Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, Dieufort J Fleurissaint, MDIV, THM, DMIN, Candace H. Feldman, MD, MPH, ScD
Principal Investigator
Candace Feldman, MD, MPH, ScD
Accurately translated health materials are needed to achieve equity in vaccine uptake among U.S. individuals with non-English language preferences. Verbatim translations may not capture the cultural and linguistic vernacular required to understand vaccine hesitancy. We leveraged a community-engaged approach to translate the Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (VHS) survey into Haitian Creole.
Following the “WHO Guidelines on Translation and Adaptation of Instruments” and a community-engaged framework, a validated 10-question Vaccine Hesitancy Survey (VHS) underwent forward translation, expert panel review, back translation, and focus group pilot testing.
Haitian Creole-speaking translators included two community leaders, one community partner, one study team member, and 13 Haitian, greater Boston-based community members who participated in a focus group to pretest the survey. After four iterations, a linguistic and cultural translation of the VHS was created.
A community-engaged framework strengthened community partnerships and resulted in a culturally relevant Haitian Creole VHS survey.