Job Title
Research Fellow
Academic Rank
Fellow or Postdoc
Radiation Oncology
JA Lopez-Valverde, PhD*, E Jimenez-Ortega, PhD, N Garrido-Diaz, MSc, H Miras, QMP, A Ureba, PhD, A Bertolet, PhD, R Berbeco, PhD, A Leal, PhD
Gold nanoparticles arouse a special interest in radiotherapy. Multiple studies have already shown their potential use as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. In diagnostics they can be used as contrast agents, while in therapy they could act as dose enhancers and radiosensitizers. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of gold nanoparticles as theragnostic agents under clinical conditions and to assess the radiosensitization provided in this scenario.
Gold nanoparticles were tested as contrast agents under realistic clinical conditions in both CT scanners and megavoltage cone-beam CT (MV-CBCT) scanners for image-guided radiotherapy. The dose enhancement benefit of these nanoparticles under different conditions and their dependence on critical parameters was evaluated. Furthermore, their therapeutical performance was assessed in optimization treatment planning of actual clinical cases, by virtualizing the presence of nanoparticles in the tumor target considering an efficient targeting. Additionally, the radiosensitization effect was evaluated using immunofluorescence and cytogenetic in vitro experimentation.
Gold nanoparticles performed successfully in a theragnostic scenario under the clinical conditions of MV-CBCT incidence beam over not deep tumors such as head and neck and breast cancer cases. A concentration around 20 mg Au/mL inside the tumor volume, in combination with this energy beam, showed a dose enhancement superior to the 15% and radiosensitization of more than 45%.